Revocation / Returns
The contractual language shall be German. Please refer to our German language Terms & Conditions.
Die Vertragssprache ist Deutsch. Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen auf Deutsch finden Sie hier.
Right of Revocation
You are entitled to revoke your contract within two weeks without reason and in writing (letter, fax, e-mail). The period of two weeks starts upon reception of the goods purchased.
It is sufficient to send your revocation within the period of two weeks, i.e. the date of sending the revocation is binding.
You may send your revocation to:
Mary´s Nap
Im Marienpark 47
12107 Berlin
Phone: +49[30] 419 351 50
Facsimile: +49[30] 419 351 16
Consequences of revocation
In case of a valid revocation the mutually received goods, services and payments are to be returned. If you cannot return the recieved goods and services or can return them only in a reduced quality, you will be liable for compensation of the loss of value. [In case of surrendered goods a reduction of quality as might be expected if the goods were physically inspected in a store is acceptable]. You can avoid the liability for loss of value if you treat the goods not like an owner and refrain from any activity that may reduce the value. Items ready for shipment are to be returned to us at our cost and risk.